Why I love Latin & Why YOU should take Latin with us!
By Stephen Rieger
I first took Latin on a whim in grade 9, because I thought it would be kind of fun... Since then I have continued to study Latin through University and continue privately studying it today. It is such a remarkable language in that so much of our English language is derived from it, nearly every word we use has either a root or a cognate in Latin, and allows for a more intimate understanding of English.
The Pantheon in Rome with Latin on it’s facade
For instance, dexetra and sinister, "right" and "left" also meaning "deft" and "evil" respectively, serve to further our understanding of the modern English words "dexterous" and "sinister." Nearly every European language is influenced by Latin, especially in the sciences, where Latin is still used as a common language across the world; indeed it would seem that Latin is far from the "dead language" we have all heard it to be.
Learning Latin with Das Schulhaus is a great way to broaden your understanding of languages, of nature and science, and of history. The course will directly engage students with authentic passages of ancient (and potentially ecclesiastical) Latin, in forms of both prose and graffiti from famous and anonymous ancient Romans. Register for classes beginning January 13th at www.dasschulhaus.org!