Links to Download:
DSD Brochure - English edition
DSD Broschüre - Deutsche Ausgabe
Letter to Regina Families (updated Nov 18, 2022)
DSD Registration Form (Deadline for submission: Dec 2. Please email your application to our coordinator, who will then submit our school’s application as a batch. Email as an attachment to: info@dasschulhaus.org. Tuition will still be sent directly from the participant to the Saskatoon school.
Upcoming Dates & Important Info:
December 2 - completed registration form (#4 in the above links) to be sent to our coordinator. (Note: this was Dec 14 and moved ahead to Dec 2, please plan accordingly).
Tuition is $180 per student and can be e-transferred to: germanschoolsaskatoon@gmail.com
Written exam prep class will be on Tuesdays, 6-8pm, via Zoom. The dates shall be: January 10, 17, 24, 31; February 7, 14, 28; and March 7. This is a total of 8 classes, 2 hours per class, for a total of 16 hours of instruction.
If you are absolutely unable to do Tuesday, a discussion with the instructor could happen to discuss Monday or Friday. However the entire class would need to be in consensus.
Thursday, March 9 - Written Exam in Regina. This date is set by officials in Germany and cannot be modified.
Tuesday, March 14 - 6-8pm - an additional online prep class dedicated to prepping for the oral exam.
Tuesday, March 21 - starting at 6pm - oral exam to be administered in Saskatoon. Further details to come, including the coordination of transportation from Regina to Saskatoon. This date is subject to change.
The instructor for the DSD online class will be Josephin Dick.
Vielen Dank und viel Glück!